When you write an integration test for a Grails app, you will likely want to have a clean situation with reproducible test data in your database before the test actually starts. Enter the Fixtures Plugin for Grails....
The monsters enter the Grails web framework! Jonas Nordstrand has written a plugin that opens the door to them. This is what he says about it:
A grails implementation of MonsterID: a method to generate a unique...
Bean Fields, a new plugin for Grails, provides a suite of tags for rendering form fields for domain and command objects. As the developers claim, it takes the pain, boredom and scope for error away.
Out of...
David Russell notified me about a bug in the Paypal plugin. Thank you, David!
Bug description: When a user makes a payment, Paypal notifies the site with a so-called instant payment notification. The code in PaypalController.notify(...
Scaffolding in Grails (from my point of view) is like scaffolding in construction: After the walls have been built, you remove the scaffold.
However, at least one plug-in developer for Grails seems to think differently. See for...
The Apache Camel Grails plug-in allows you to send and route messages to a wide variety of destination endpoints directly from your controllers and services. It also provides a new Grails artifact, Routes, to configure your routes...