The tutorial that describes how to use the AcegiSecurity Plugin for Grails has been updated:
There are three ways to define security mappings – see Securing URLs for more details. This tutorial uses the Requestmap approach. To use...
Sowas passiert Ihnen in Ihrem Projekt hoffentlich nie:
Kunde: „Wir verstehen unser Framework nicht mehr. Es ist total verstrickt!“
Berater: „Aber Ihr habt doch gesagt, es sei erst zwei Jahre jung.“
Kunde: „Ja, und?“
Berater: „Sowas passiert...
There are two nice small plug-ins for Grails that make your webapp a little prettier: Pretty Size and Pretty Time. The first one, Pretty Size, does this:
generates outputs like:
"one kilobyte", "2 megabytes&...
Bevor ich die Syntax vergesse:
alter table my_table modify some_column varchar(255) null;...
There is a great way to show content from inside your Grails app: Write the content in WordPress and let the WordPress plugin for Grails pull the content into the app:
The WordPress plugin provides tags for...
A new plugin for Grails is in the oven and is still baking. However, the first rumours got out of the bakery. 🙂
Perf4J is to System.currentTimeMillis() as log4j is to System.out.println().
Using Perf4J, you...