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Matthias Bohlen

337 Artikel

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When you write an integration test for a Grails app, you will likely want to have a clean situation with reproducible test data in your database before the test actually starts. Enter the Fixtures Plugin for Grails....
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The monsters enter the Grails web framework! Jonas Nordstrand has written a plugin that opens the door to them. This is what he says about it: A grails implementation of MonsterID: a method to generate a unique...
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Bean Fields, a new plugin for Grails, provides a suite of tags for rendering form fields for domain and command objects. As the developers claim, it takes the pain, boredom and scope for error away. Out of...
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David Russell notified me about a bug in the Paypal plugin. Thank you, David! Bug description: When a user makes a payment, Paypal notifies the site with a so-called instant payment notification. The code in PaypalController.notify(...
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Scaffolding in Grails (from my point of view) is like scaffolding in construction: After the walls have been built, you remove the scaffold. However, at least one plug-in developer for Grails seems to think differently. See for...
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The Apache Camel Grails plug-in allows you to send and route messages to a wide variety of destination endpoints directly from your controllers and services. It also provides a new Grails artifact, Routes, to configure your routes...