Today, I installed Subversion and Subclipse on the Mac. It was a little tricky, so I’ll document it here. This is how I did it.

I downloaded SVN as a disk image file (*.dmg) for the Mac from Metissian and installed it. I had to edit /etc/profile to add /usr/local/bin/ to the PATH. To test this, I logged in using Terminal and invoked the „svn“ command line tool.
Now for the tricky part: The Subclipse plugin for Eclipse 3.2!
I installed it from its update site. It invokes the JavaHL adapter, a native library that is a Java adapter for the Subversion API which is written in C. For this to work, I had to modify a file in my Eclipse installation: I added one line to eclipse/


This did the trick. In Eclipse, I could open the SVN repository exploring perspective and could add a repository location, as usual. Windows users do not have this problem because JavaHL for Win32 is already included in the Subclipse distribution.